High Quality Seafood Processing Standards
Aruna produces high-quality seafood and value-added products that are sourced, processed, packaged, and delivered sustainably.
Seafood products purchased directly from local fishers.
Meticulous selection and sterile pre-processing procedures.
Strict quality standards with international certifications.
End-to-end, traceable seafood solutions for all your needs.
Food Safety Certifications
Featured Products
PT. Aruna Jaya Nuswantara
High-quality, fresh, nutritious seafood products sourced sustainably from local fishers across Indonesia.
Office Headquarters :
AD Premiere Office Park, 15th floor Jalan TB Simatupang No.5, RT.5/RW.7, Ragunan, Kec. Ps. Minggu, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12540